Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. These charges must be paid in advance of the work being carried out. Charges can be paid either via bank transfer or by cash at reception. We do not have a card machine. Examples include the following:
- Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc).
- Insurance Claim Forms
- Letter from the GP (for college/employer, fitness to fly etc)
- Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
- Private sick notes (less than 7 days off work)
Please note the practice does not sign passport applications.
Medical examinations require a special long appointment (17:00 in the evening) and there is usually a fee for these appointments which we require to be paid in full in advance. The receptionist can advise about the fee. Fees are set by the British Medical Association (BMA).